โกเมส, overjoyed to have เฟสเตอร์ back, takes him to the family vault to view home movies from their childhood. กอร์ดอน learns the reason for the brothers' falling-out: โกเมส was jealous of เฟสเตอร์'s success with women, and wooed the conjoined twins Flora and Fauna Amore away from him out of envy. โกเมส starts to suspect that "เฟสเตอร์" is an impostor when he is unable to recall important details about their past. กอร์ดอน attempts to return to the vault, but is unable to get past a booby trap. โกเมส's wife มอร์ติเซีย reminds "เฟสเตอร์" of the importance of family amongst the อดัมส์es and of their vengeance against those who cross them. Fearing that the family is getting wise to their con, อาบิเกล (under the guise of Dr. Pinder-Schloss) convinces โกเมส that his suspicions are due to displacement.