Good morning Ann,
Thank you and same to you, you can talk to me about anything at all and I will always listen to you too. I want to keep talking to you and I hope you will want to keep talking to me too, I think you are a very special person and I would be proud to have someone like you in my life either as a friend or maybe in time more if we both feel the same.
I am glad you say I am not old and still handsome too, haha, thank you very much. I think you are a very beautiful woman too and I especially love that you have such a good heart; that is more important to me than beauty, but you are both to me too.
I am obviously feeling something special for you, the last thing I did last night was see if you had sent me a message before I went to sleep and the first thing I did this morning when I woke up was again, check and read your messages. It made my morning feel so special when I had messages and photos from you.
I like the photo you sent me too, I love receiving photos. I have found myself smiling every time you have sent me one. I was looking at the drawings on the table you are leaning on too, I had a laugh. No matter where you are from, kids are kids and all the same.
Anyway Ann, I will send this to you now and I will chat to you again later on today. I hope you had a good sleep last night and I hope you have a wonderful day. I will be thinking of you :-)