Gluten-free pasta represents a challenge for food technologists and nutritionists since gluten-free materials used in conventional formulations have poor functional and nutritional properties. A novel extrusion-cooking process was set up to improve the textural characteristics of rice-based pasta, and to enrich it with amaranth. Mineral and fiber content, and protein digestibility were improved by amaranth enrichment. Extrusion-cooking of a 75/25 mixture of rice flour and amaranth prior to pasta-making gave the best results as for the textural characteristics of the final product. The firmness of cooked pasta increased due to the extrusion-cooking process, that also decreased protein solubility in the amaranth- enriched pasta. The content in accessible thiols also decreased in amaranth-enriched pastas, indicating that amaranth proteins may be involved in forming disulphide bonds during the pasta-making process. Our results suggest that starch in rice flour interacts best with amaranth proteins when starch gelati- nization occurs simultaneously to protein denaturation in the extrusion-cooking process.