Joan Rivers' left her daughter, Melissa, in charge of her fortune and left money for some of her favourite charities, including Guide Dogs for the Blind, Jewish Guild Healthcare and the cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
According Rivers' 2014 will, which to%was filed in New York State Surrogate's Court, the late comedienne made Melissa Rivers her will's executor with"the broadest and most absolute per- missible direction" over a fortune that has been estimated as high as US$150 million(5 billion baht Other charities she singled out were the New York-based food pantry God's Love We Deliver, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Jewish Home and Hos pital Foundation in Manhattan. Rivers died Sept 4 at 81 of brain damage due to lack of oxygen. She'd stopped breathing during an endos- copy days earlier. The late comedienne asked that her business manager Michael D. Karin and interior designer Robert Higdon be named co-executors of the living trust. Specifics of her assets and how they will be divided haven't been disclosed. Bequests were made to her assis- tants, Sabrina Lott and Jocelyn Pickett, her publicist Scott Currie, and Rivers niece and nephew, Caroline Waxler and Andrew Wader. AP.