orange-fleshed potato (oFSP) is an excellent source of the provitamin A carotene containing up to 276.98 ug per g 125 g serving of boiled oFSP can supply the daily requirement of vitamin A for preschool children and protect them from night blindness In addition to being rich in B carotene, oFSP contains significant amounts of protein, fat. carbohydrate, dietary fibre, other micronutrients and some phytonutrients Therefore, orange-fleshed sweet potato is a staple food that can provide a sup- ply of vitamin A and energy to people in resource-poor developing countries such as Bangladesh Bioavailability of B carotene depends on multiple factors, Diet- ary fat is necessary for absorption and conversion of B-carotene to The retention and retinol bioaccessibility of B-carotene determine its bioavailability has been documented that maceration and heat pro- cessing improve B carotene bioaccessibility from orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, which is probably due to rupture of microstruct of plant tissue and subsequent release of nutrients from the com- plex food matrix