I feel like my fiancee isn't listening to me
She is obsessed with staying in New York and struggling to make it as opposed to moving away and doing better financially. She has literally said to me "I just need to have a New York address". She only recently moved in with me and prior to this had never paid rent or any utilities. She didn't have to buy groceries. Nothing. Her parents did it all for her. When I bought my car, I had to finance. When she bought her car, her parents gave her whatever money she needed. Given, she paid them back...when she could. See if I called Toyota Financial Services and said, uh I can only do $100 this month...it wouldnt go over well. I've been on my own since I was 19, working multiple jobs at the same time while finishing college to try and make ends meet. One of my relatives did me a solid and rented me the apartment in his home for a reasonable amount, whereas if I moved to another place I'd have twice the space for 3 times the money.
I have expressed to her that I do not want to stay here anymore, and that any friends of ours who have tried to buy property here end up going bankrupt and moving away due to the cost of living. The county we live in is ridiculous. To be "middle class" you need to be making at least $95K per year, per person, statistically proven. Property taxes in this town are $14K per year...$8K per year in the bad neighborhoods. Crappy condos cost $250K. There is literally no way that we can make this happen, but she is delusional in thinking that it will be ok. We've been fighting a lot lately over this, and I've tried to show her the numbers to show her this won't work. Her best friend just moved to florida after not being able to afford their home and fell $10K into credit card debt, to which she said, "well thats not THAT much".
Has anyone else dealt with this sort of nonsense and how did you get through it?
Thanks. I really could use some advice.