Pressing force and time
This study included both momentary and continuous press wood drying tests.
The 6 pressing forces in the momentary pressing tests were 2000 N (6MPa),4000N (13MPa),6000 N(19MPa),8000 N (26MPa),10000N (32MPa) and 12000N (38MPa).
A force of 1000 N was equivalent to pressure of 3.2 MPa in cylinder with a diameter of 20mm.
In the continuous pressing tests: a force of 4000N (13MPa) was used with holding times of 30 and 60 s as well as a force of 12000N(38MPa) with a holding time of 30 s.
All 9 compression tests were made three times for each tree species.
Thus 27 compression tests per tree species were made .
In total ,81 compression drying tests were carried out.