that they track performance data over time to determine whether performance in strategic results areas is improv- ing, and that they report measures associated with the stra- tegic plan to their city councils on a regular basis. Finally, only 35 percent of these respondents indicated their juris- dictions reported performance data associated with their strategic plan to the public on a regular basis, or that they benchmark performance measures against other jurisdic- tions to gauge the effectiveness of strategic initiatives.
Slightly more than half of the respondents from mu- nicipalities involved in strategic planning reported their jurisdictions had centralized, citywide performance mea- surement systems that incorporate most or all departments and programs. Slightly fewer than half, then, indicated their jurisdictions did not have such measurement systems in place. As would probably be expected, consistently and substantially higher percentages of those respondents from jurisdictions with such comprehensive performance mea- surement systems in place reported links between mea- sures and strategic plans for all eight mechanisms listed in table 4.