Aster : why, why are you here?
Yami : I got lost...any problem?
Finral : Well, Noelle run to us and tell if you maybe get into serious trouble
Finral : We want bring all Black Bull member...unfortunately they are all got drunk
Finral : So only me and boss go to here
Finral : Shiiiit!! this day i have date, why must mee
Finral : And what the heck with enemy boss, his magic power so overwhelming!! impossible human
can have magic power like this...!! oh my god please let me gooo, i dont want be here and
accidentally got killed!!!
Valtos : wtf is this! never thought they have ppl who can use "spatial magic" too in clover kingdom
Licht : matter what you do to interfere my plan, "our lord" still will awaken soon
Child : nunnnn...!!
Gauche : Shitt!! old hag u cant die now!! if u died now marry will be sad and i wont let that happen!!
Gauche : ...if only... i still have mana i can reflect his light magic...!!
Aster : Finral! can you make antoher spatial magic!!
Finral : Sure, why, you want to run?
Aster : Please take the children with you!!
Aster : " Child safe is priority now!! i dont mind if i die here if they all safe"
Finral : Okay i understand! ill go with them! and take the child to safe place!
Yami : Didnt you only run away from here? dont talk like hero about saving children
Finarl : Shit he always know what on my mind....
Yami : Do you ll come back here after take the children into safe place right?
Finral : Of can cut my salary if i didnt comeback...i promise!
Yami : Wtf salary? i want cut your neck
Finral : "shit,shit even i go from here i still died"
Finral : Whhat
Yami : oi go fast take the child into safe place and comeback here, if didnt i will cut your neck now!!
Finral : Whos actually the enemy here...!
Finral : I must go fast...i dont want die here, i will back after battle end--
Yami : Oi dont forget to comeback here after take them, do go more than 5 minutes, understand!!?
Aster : Boss he using magic that i cant see and he can move very fast!?! becareful, blabla cant translate it !?!
Yami : Shut up shrimp
Yami : my blade have darkness power... that can absorb any light in this world...
Yami : Now the serious problem is why are you here---
Aster : Ouwooooh coool!!!
Licht(William) : as expected from him, he can easily block my attack, let see... can you keep this up
William : any problem if i here yami?
William : I will kill all of you right here right now!
Yami : .......kill me...? are you forgot who kick your ass in magic tournament...?
Yami : Why are u betray clover kingdom william? what your aim?
William : ...Equality for all human...
William : In old days only special people can use magic, they are got holy gift from god
William : They are use their power to help weak people, save them from any disaster
William : normal human start give them title as royalty, they praise them and give what they want as gratitude
William : But the royalty become arrogant, becos they think they are god, and start killing weak human with
lil magic power or even no magic powe.
William : This kingdom already have too much corruption, we will reset the kingdom and make new kingdom where all
people can live side by side... magic user or non-magic user----
Aster : ...??
Yami : so is that your true intention? for that reason you kill lil innocent kid? didnt what you do is same thing with
that all arrogant royalty?
Yami : :Let me tell you one story...
Yami : *cant translate his story, kinda confuse with his word*
Yami : You see? thats the man story should do
Aster : Wtf...what story is that
Valtos : How can you mocking our leader- you low life scum!!!
Yami : I can tell your intention was good, but WTF you do to make it happen, you are nothing but same as
that fucking bloody royalty!!!!
Aster : Whooooah i never heard he shouting like this!!?
Yami : "shit his attack that hit my shoulder start aching"
William : What a nice conv we have here, but too bad i should end it now...
William : -1000 piercing light-
Aster : Boss watch out!!
Yami : do you think attack like this can hit me again...?
William : No, But...
William : You already enter my heavenly light magic cast area, you cant run from this...
Yami : No if i kill you first...
Yami : *Cant translate again what he say here sorry*
Yami : Black sword slashing style "Black Falcon"
Valtos : M...MAster!!
Yami : I cant believe you can dodge that, want taste another slash?
Valtos : Let me join to fight master...!!
Yami : I wont let your plan happen, even with my life in stake, as an old friend i will stop you...!!
William : Smile
Yami : How is that, is that cool?
Aster : Very cool!!!!
Yami : Do you want my autograph before i died?
Aster : WTF are you saying dont make joke like that!!!
Yami : Well all of this translation is joke from the start
Aster : Are you kidding meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??!!
Yami : Yes, so what are you gonna do now? punch my face?
Aster : Wtf...what story is that
Valtos : How can you mocking our leader- you low life