However, notwithstanding the continuing threat of a coup, the government decided to introduce a tax on salaried officials in the bureaucracy, including members of the military, as well as workers in the private sector. In addition, all officials earning more than 20 baht a month were required to contribute another 5 per cent of their salaries to a "bureaucratic assistance tax" (ngoen chuai ratchakan) Public dissatisfaction with these measures was reflected in an immediate outpouring of criticism in the press. Above all else, it was argued that while wage earners would be seriously disadvantaged, the royal class, upper levels of nobility and Chinese businessmen, all of whom derived much of their income through other means (rents, company dividends, and money-lending), would escape largely unscathed. As a means of placating the salaried groups who were to be affected, means of placating it wa: suggested that there should be no taxation without some form political representation Apparently, the government had been considering some real reform in this direction, but before any change could be implemented, the People's Party, in control of the country's most sophisticated weaponry, moved against the throne and seized state power on 24 June 1933