Livestock production has to be land-based (i.e. livestock forms an integral part of the crop rotation system on the farm, landless livestock production is not acceptable) (Annex 1.1. –1.4.)
Conventional dairy cattle have to be reared under organic standards (e.g. fed organic feed) for six months before they can produce milk that can be marketed as organic. The corresponding conversion period for beef cattle is 12 months (i.e. the first offspring born after the conversion period can be marketed as organic) (Annex 2.2.1.). Simultaneous conversion of land and livestock is possible as long as most of the feed for the animals comes from the converting farm (Annex 2.3.1.).
The choice of breeds or strains should favour cattle that are well adapted to the local conditions and to the husbandry system intended. Vitality and disease resistance are particularly mentioned. Preference should be given to indigenous species (Annex 3.1.).