What a strange house this is! said Mary.
So many secrets! Does your father come and see you often?
Not often.He doesn't like seeing me because it makes him remember my mother.
She died when I was born,so he almost hates me, I think.
Why do you say you're going to die? asked Mary.
I've always been ill.
I've nearly died several times, and my back's never been strong.
My doctor feels sure that I'm going to die.
But he's my father's cousin, and verv poor, so he'd like me to die.
Then he'd get all the money when my father dies.
He gives me medicine and tells me to rest.
We had a grand doctor from London once, who told me to go out in the fresh air and try to get well.
But I hate fresh air.
And another thing, all the servants have to do what I want,
because if I'm angry, I become ill.