For me as a kid, this was a brilliant time, getting ya mates who were 16 years old to buy you fireworks with your dinner money and let off bangers in and around the estate was such a laugh, you all knew about the history of this infamous Guy Fawkes but for us as teenagers, it was all about explosions and bright lights.
I loved the 3.2.1. bangers, simply light, count down and throw , dangerous as hell and still is but kids will be kids and boy did we have fun back then, standing sometimes and facing each other with a roman candle in each others hands and standing opposite your mate and see who can stand there the longest, utter nuts I know but it was almost addictive as a kid in the 1970′s for me and my mates.
Of course, family, school and tv saying Fireworks are dangerous, made it even more intriguing back then but jeez, looking back now, how none of us lost an arm or an eye- amazes me.
But the spirit remains the same back home in the UK, even the the Gunpowder plot failed, it is remembered hundreds of years later and still celebrated to its fullest.
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