Dear Khun Kit,
- The fee for financial the company 2014 is 8,000 Baht.(2 languages (Thai/Eng)) Including the auditor fee.
- The fee for closing the company 2015 is 12,000 Baht.(2 languages (Thai/Eng)) Including the auditor fee and etc.
- Total amount is 20,000 Baht.
I will let my accountant to pick up the documents and the first payment 10,000 Baht.
The documents must be sent to me.
1.Payment Bill on 2014 - 2015
2.Income Receipt on 2014 - 2015
3.Bank Statement Original
4.Your Passport 5 copies.
5.Map Company 1 copy.
On Monday 30 Mar 2014 at 13.00 pm. meet at Starbucks Thonglor.