4. Therapies centred on enhancing the coping strategy repertoire
So far, in this review, we have shown that most patients with schizophrenia try out ways of coping with distressing
or unwanted symptoms, and that most report some benefit. In addition, the efficacy of a number of specific strategies
has been confirmed by experimental studies which have demonstrated reductions in the duration of hallucinatory
episodes, and sometimes in the frequency of recurrence of the voice. In this section and the two sections that follow, we
now review the way in which coping has been incorporated into psychological interventions for hallucinations. In this
section we focus on treatments where coping is the main focus, then in Section 5 we turn to hallucination-specific
therapies where coping is one of several components. Finally, in Section 6, we consider the place of coping strategies in
broader CBT for psychosis therapies.