Final Test. Thai case study.
1. Christopher Wright (2549 : P.P. 43-46, a well – know) English teacher in thailand, has identifind the behavioral and cultrual difference butween the thais and forangs (foreigners) in one of his book. Read an excerpt of the observations from his book. Then write an essay to express your own opinions to agree or disagree with those of Mr. Wright’s opinions.
From Mr. Wright’s point of view, about seven or eight cultural difference butween Westerners and Thais have been observed.
1. Frankness. Westerners or farangs are very honest and direc in what day say. While Thai people are quiet shy, quiet, and Kreng jai-very diferential and considerate. If their speech hurts the listener, They’s rether not say anything. Thais prefer not to assert their opinion or question about things.
2. Job commitment. Farangs take their jobs more seriously then Thais. There are committed or dedicated to their work. On the contrary, Thais are so easy going even with their jobs. Everything looks relaxing and slackening off for thais. There’s no need to rush. The Thai policy is kan eing, sabai sabai.
3. Equality. Everyone is equal in ferangs’s ocialization. To associate with the thais, seniors and souperiors are privileged. They are served first.
4. Occupational and personal matters. Farangs are able to separate job and personal matters better then the Thais. Thais tend to take it personal. Thai people are kind of sensitive and meticulous regarding everything personal rether then occupational. For example , if their sisters are angry with each other, Their brothers cannot worke in the same team.
5. Group dependency. When decition is needed, farangs seen to be independent in deciding on anything. But Thais cannot do things on their own. They are likely to be dependent on their group or relations. Thais make use of connections to get into something. Or relations will be taken for concideratoin to dicide which side they are with. The subsequent results are usually neglected by the Thais.
6. Compliance with rules and regulations. Farangs are punctual. They hold to etiquette, and regulations. They plan things based on information and data. Thais are different. They are very flexible focusing things on feeling and amiable relatons.
7. Prevention. Farang’motto is “Prevention is better and cure.” For thais, problems must occur to be solved first then prevention comes after.
8. Uncertainty avoidance. This comment can be refered to the Hofstede Theory. Geert Hofstede worked for a multinational IBM whose branches spread all over the world. He conducted a research on the staff’s cultural comparison and found out that national culture could be categorized into 4 dimensions.
- High Power Distance (Hirachy) VS. Low Power Distance (Egalitarian)
- Collective (Group Oriented) VS. Individualist (Self Oriented)
- Soft (Relationship oriented) VS. Hard (Results Oriend), and
- High Uncertainty Avoidance VS. Low Uncertainty Avoidance.