1. Introduction
The purpose of the research project portrayed in this paper was to identify, describe and share knowledge and understanding of the learning processes of pastoralists in the tropical savannas of Australia. It was our intention that by better understanding and mapping these learning processes and activities, the research would further inform the practices of education and service providers, expand the effectiveness of communication between pastoralists and others, and empower pastoralists' to manage change more easily themselves and support others to manage both change and information. [1]
The research was supported by the Cooperative Research Centre for the Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannas (TSCRC) The TSCRC was established in 1995 under the Commonwealth of Australia Government's CRC Program and is now one of 67 in operation throughout Australia. Its focus is the sustainable development of the tropical savannas that cover almost one-quarter of the Australian continent. Achieving sustainable land management across the tropical savannas involves understanding how the various savanna ecosystems function. The TSCRC brings together researchers from different disciplines, sectors and regions who work with the land users to find practical solutions to the region's management issues. Educational courses on tropical environmental management that meets the needs of a range of people in urban and remote areas have been developed to extend this research to the whole region. [2]
The research was supported by the Cooperative Research Centre for the Sustainable Development of Tropical Savannas (TSCRC) The TSCRC was established in 1995 under the Commonwealth of Australia Government's CRC Program and is now one of 67 in operation throughout Australia. Its focus is the sustainable development of the tropical savannas that cover almost one-quarter of the Australian continent. Achieving sustainable land management across the tropical savannas involves understanding how the various savanna ecosystems function. The TSCRC brings together researchers from different disciplines, sectors and regions who work with the land users to find practical solutions to the region's management issues. Educational courses on tropical environmental management that meets the needs of a range of people in urban and remote areas have been developed to extend this research to the whole region. [2]