I honestly don't understand why she would think I don't mean it. I wake up 5:45, I leave at 6:35 and get home at 5:30 (17:30), I'm reading up on my driving permit because I need to get the test finished in the next 7 days, I'm going to have a lot of homework the next four months which will leave me with less time to talk. She lives MILES away from me which makes me unavailable to meet her for at least 9 more months. I'm sorry that I can't do EVERYTHING and make her happy at the same time, I'm just a person, not a god.
I don't even know why I'm trying to explain myself, if she wants to give up then that's that, I wont stop her, I just think it's ignorant to stop talking to me considering how much stuff I have going on right now. It's not like I made her fall in love with me.