The Tesla Flag is more than a badge or logo: it stands for who we are. It represents our commitment
to be the best of the automotive and technology worlds and its use should be carefully controlled.
The relationship between each element of our logo has been carefully considered: the letters have
been specially drawn and colors have been chosen to create a unique, distinctive mark. The relative
size and position of the elements is fixed and should not be changed.
Use of the Tesla Flag on an application requires the explicit permission of Corporate Marketing and
the Chief Designer/Creative Director. It should NEVER be given to third parties for use on their
communications. Use of The Tesla Flag must adhere to the following three rules:
A. The Tesla Flag may ONLY be used in the color combinations shown here or the equivalent noncolor
applications (engraving, bas-relief, etc.) The Tesla T and Tesla Wordmark may only be in White
on one of the 3 backgrounds shown here (Tesla Red, Black, or Gray). The Tesla Red background is
the preferred/primary application. While The Tesla Flag may be placed over a patterned background
or photograph, no pattern or image must ever be used WITHIN The Tesla Flag.
B. The Tesla Flag MAY NEVER “float” on an application. EITHER the top or bottom edge of The
Tesla Flag MUST bleed off of the edge of the application in question (the only implicit exception to
this rule is the business card, where, technically, the flag bleeds to all four sides).
C. A clearspace equal to half of the height of The Tesla T must be maintained between all OTHER
edges of The Tesla Flag and the edges of the application in question.