Other topical fluoride products, such as 0.2 percent sodium fluoride (NaF) mouthrinse (900 ppm F) and brush-on gels/pastes (eg, 1.1 percent NaF; 5,000 ppm F) also have been shown to be effective in reducing dental caries in permanent teeth.29,30 Home use of fluoride products for children should focus on regimens that maximize topical contact, in lower-dose higher-frequency approaches. Meta-analyses of more than 70 randomized or quasi-randomized controlled clinical trials show that fluoride toothpaste is efficacious in reducing prevalence of dental caries in permanent teeth, with the effect increased in children with higher baseline level of caries and by higher concentration of fluoride in the toothpaste, greater frequency of use, and super-vision of brushing. A meta-analysis of eight clinical trials on caries increment in preschool children also shows that tooth brushing with fluoridated toothpaste significantly reduces dental caries prevalence in the primary dentition. A ‘smear’ of fluoridated toothpaste for children less than two years of age at risk for dental caries may decrease risk of fluorosis. A ‘pea-size’ amount of toothpaste is appropriate for children aged two through five years (see Figure).To maximize the beneficial effect of fluoride in the toothpaste, rinsing after brushing should be kept to a minimum or eliminated altogether