Presentation given in the issues of transparency
and disclosure score is a topic that attention is much
paid in both domestic and foreign areas. And it is
one governance portion on ASEAN to international
level that analysts, investors, organizers realize
importance of disclosure score with 3 dimensions
divided as industrial groups under production and
service in descriptive presentation.
From the questions considered by the board
have already been checked; and the rest of them
making disclosure score of the companies have
their 81 items separated from total consequence
of all the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Notice: Disclosure score and transparency
are one part of good governance based on the
S&P data (Standards & Poor) with the following
signifi cant issues:-
Structure of shareholding and the rights of
investors, transparency and disclosure score, board
structure and movement.
From overview on the Stock Exchange of
Thailand, the researcher divided industries into
service and production. From fi gure 2, percentage
component of S&P Transparency and Disclosure
Score is divided from the dimension of shareholders’
rights and ownership structure, inclining a high
level of disclosure score because such a structure
is important to be disclosed at 94.09 percent in the
industrial group. Service industry equals to 92.15%.
And in next step pertaining to Board structure,
industrial overview equals to 80.18% and service
industry does to 77.30%. In fi nal dimension of
fi nancial transparency, industrial sector equals to
64.68% and co-service industry does to 63.21%. In