How Do 3D Glasses Work?
3D Stereoscopic glasses are nothing new. In fact you had them when you were a kid and probably didn't even know it. Remember the ViewMaster™ that showed all the cool Disney characters in full 3d? The ViewMaster™ allowed you to look at two pictures of the same thing taken from a slightly different view point and tricked your brain into seeing one 3d image.
In order to see things in 3D each eye must see a slightly different picture. This is done in the real world by your eyes being spaced apart so each eye has its own slightly different view. The brain then puts the two pictures together to form one 3D image that has depth to it.
Still want to know how do 3D glasses work? Keep reading!
Anaglyphic [ana·glyph·ic /"a-n&-'gli-fik/] adjective -- A stereoscopic motion or still picture in which the right component of a composite image usually red in color is superposed on the left component in a contrasting color to produce a three-dimensional effect when viewed through correspondingly colored filters in the form of spectacles.
The mode of 3D presentation you are most familiar with are the paper glasses with red and blue lenses. The technology behind 3D, or stereoscopic, movies is actually pretty simple. They simply recreate the way humans see normally.