ใช่, ฉันได้รับจดหมายนี้จากเขาครั้งสุดท้าย
Yes, I received this letter from him the last time.
Dear Puie
The doctors want you to write some loving words to Alf. From your heart.
I want to hold his hand, and READ WHAT YOU WRITE LOUD TO ALF.
Then the doctors want to see if they can register what's happening in Alf's brain. If they have NORMAL reaction, the doctors want to wake him up before Monday.
Please write YOUR words to Alf's heart and brain!!
Please help us with that!!!!
Thank you!!
If you don't understand, write back and tell us.
Can you also send us a picture of your face. The doctors want to see brain reactions when Alf see YOUR face, and a face he does not know!!
Best regards