Message from Big in Japan
Hi Saranya Sirichai,
Your order #84476 history
Your order is now in stock and ready to ship.
You will soon receive a Paypal invoice by email. If you do not receive anything within the next 6 hours, please check your spam folder or contact us. Alternately, you can check your Paypal account for pending activity. If you receive a Paypal request but the payment link does not work correctly, please send the amount in your invoice directly to and mention your order number with the payment.
If you pay with a different email address than the one you registered on our website, please mention your order number with the payment so we can identify you more easily.
Please note you will have only 7 days from the date of invoice to make your payment.
You can review this order and download your invoice from the "Order history" section of your account by clicking "My account" on our Website.
Big in Japan