In order to design successful exercise programous intervention was under study and because themes that will be accessible and acceptable to large numbers of patients with CKD, it is important to know what types of exercise produce the greatest clinical benefit in this population and what types of training programmes can recruit and retain large numbers of patients on dialysis. Much of this work has yet to be done, but some information can be gleaned from the available literature. As for comparisons of the benefits of different programmes, little is known. Konstantinidou et al.[69] compared the effects of centre-based training to those of dialysis unit-based and home-based training on ˙VO2peak. They reported a higher dropout rate among the patients assigned to incentre training and cited lack of time, transportation difficulties and medical reasons unrelated to exercise as the reasons. The patients benefited from all three types of training, but the cardiovascular effects were greatest with the centrebased training. The authors concluded that intense exercise training on non-dialysis days is the most effective way of training.