For an item to be classified as displaying DIF, the two-degree-of-freedom Chisquared
test in logistic regression had to have had a p-value less than or equal to 0.01 (set
at this level because of the multiple hypotheses tested) and the Zumbo-Thomas effect size
measure had to be at least an R-squared of 0.130. Pope (1997) has applied a similar
criterion to binary personality items. It should be noted that Gierl and his colleagues
(Gierl & McEwen, 1998, Gierl, Rogers, and Klinger, 1999) have adopted a more
conservative criteria (i.e., the requisite R-squared for DIF is smaller) for the Zumbo-
Thomas effect size in the context of educational measurement. They have also shown
that the Zumbo-Thomas effect size measure is correlated with other DIF techniques like
the Mantel-Haenszel and SIBTEST hence lending validity to the method.