The gulls sitting on the posts were reflected in the bay.
i closed my eyes. "red flag dangling off the end. Lumber Jack written on the side.
i think I've seen it at the garage. in front of me someone was reeling in a fish. i could see its silvery body arching. i could see the fisherman leaning over.
the fisherman. Blond hair dangling over her eyes, glasses sliding down her nose
the Klutz" she had caught a fish" But no. The fish gave an enormous leap. With water spraying in all direction, it was gone. and so were the Klutz's glasses.
They slid after the fish with a splash.
I took a quick look at her face. she was one sorry mess. But then she glanced at me. Through the wisps of her hair I saw her eyes. The brightest blue. She winked straight at me . she wasn't such a mess after all
But i had no time for that.
I tried to uncrease max's forehead with one finger. Should i carry you? i asked,
"or will you walk?
He took a step off my lap and headed along the sidewalk."You know where you're going. i said. "You knew it all along
i shouldn't have opened my mouth. Max stopped at the next pier and sat down on the curb. He didn't pay a bit of attention to a gull who was screaming at him. instead he began to wash his front paw. he scrubbed and rubbed. Then he took a look at his claws. He still wasn't satisfied.