The walk home is fairly uneventful, with nothing accompanying them but the crunch of snow beneath their boots and the silence of nearby sounds absorbed by the powder. Ichimatsu pays little mind to Karamatsu shivering beside him; it's his fault he didn't wear a coat. He breathes into the air from behind his scarf, the warmth condensing on the yarn. Karamatsu's wearing his too, but it doesn't seem to be doing much good as he buries his nose into the blue fibers.
Before he can be questioned, Ichimatsu tugs off one of his gloves with his teeth and tosses it to the other. It hits Karamatsu in the chest and falls into the snow before said male can catch it, and he looks up at Ichimatsu, dumbfounded. The other refuses eye contact with him, staring pointedly at his feet as he continues walking. Karamatsu blinks, then picks the glove up off the ground, sliding it onto his hand. It fits perfectly.
He curls his fingers a few times in childish enjoyment, then jogs to catch up with his brother, feeling slightly warmer than before. Only then does he notice Ichimatsu's now bare hand shoved in his pocket, just as his own ungloved hand is. "Hey, Ichimatsu--" He starts, reaching for the other. Said male looks up just as Karamatsu slips his hand into Ichimatsu's jacket pocket, threading his naked fingers with his brother's. Ichimatsu flushes, entire face reddening as Karamatsu smiles at him, saying, "Your hand's cold, right?"
The younger of the two stares at him for a moment, then snaps his head back to the ground. "Dumbass. I'll kill you." He mutters under his breath, but Karamatsu doesn't seem to hear. Their paces fall into an identical pattern.
They reach the house eventually, the snow still falling hard around them. Karamatsu withdraws his hand from Ichimatsu's pocket, stomping his boots to rid them of snow and handing back his brother's glove. "Thanks." He says, grinning, and Ichimatsu looks away. Karamatsu makes to walk inside, but the other's hand on his arm stops him. He turns, still smiling pointlessly and tilting his head at his brother to ask what's wrong. Ichimatsu's dead-fish eyes bore into him, causing him to flinch slightly, when he opens his mouth and says, "Kiss me."
Ichimatsu looks rather impatient as Karamatsu's cheeks steadily heat up. "I said," he repeats, "kiss me."
It's now that the other fully registers his brother's statement, and his face all but bursts into flame. He quickly buries it in his hands, too embarrassed to meet Ichimatsu's gaze again. "You can't just say that..." He whines, his words muffled into his palms. His brother pulls his scarf down away from his face, eliciting a shiver from him as he grasps Karamatsu's forearms, tugging them down and away from his face. "Come on." He mutters, forcefully pulling the other's hands away. He nearly snorts once he sees the tears brimming in his brother's eyes, and an unusual warmth pools in his chest. Karamatsu squeezes his eyelids closed, blatantly refusing to look at Ichimatsu again as the latter's hands slip up from Karamatsu's elbows to loosely grip his wrists and pull them toward him. "Aren't you supposed to be my role model, niisan." He murmurs, leaning his face closer to aforementioned niisan. Karamatsu juts his bottom lip out, replying back with "Good role models don't kiss their little brothers!"
Ichimatsu huffs out a breathy laugh at that, releasing the other's wrists in favor of cupping Karamatsu's warm cheeks and nudging him closer until they're not inches apart. "I don't care." He whispers, his lips meeting his brother's softly, a deviation from Ichimatsu's usual demeanor. It takes a few seconds for Karamatsu to loosen up and stop puckering, but once he does he realizes Ichimatsu's mouth is chapped, but he finds he doesn't really mind. He supposes he'll loan him some lip balm later.
He pulls away after a few moments to breathe, his eyes widening at the sight of his younger brother's half-liddec eyes boring into him like a tiger eyeing a gazelle. "H-Hey, it's kinda cold out here, so--" He swallows. "--let's get inside, yeah?"
Ichimatsu's tongue darts out and wets his lips, making Karamatsu flinch as he's pulled in again, his brother's fingers nearly burning his skin. "No." He mutters curtly into Karamatsu's mouth, and for a moment there is no cold around them, only the heat between.
"I'm ho-ome."
"Welcome back.