Dumplings on a Construction Site
I have never considered myself an outstanding leader, but I think I’m a person who has an indomitable will. Once I set
a definite goal, I must succeed. Many other enterprises have pursued the same business as Haier over the years in the
same economic environment. The difficulties they met with were our difficulties as well. The difference is that many
of them were too willing to give up. In 1991, for example, I decided to expand the capacity of our factory and
build the Haier Industrial Park. We took a large piece of land, laid the foundations, built the underground utility
infrastructure–and in the process, spent all the money our company had.At that time China was employing a macrocontrol
policy, and the money market was so tight that we couldn’t get loans. The total budget was RMB1.5 billion,
but the company had accumulated only RMB80 million, and all of it had already been plowed into the project.