How was your night dear, my was quite lovely with so much dreams about you, any little eyes close it your face that shows in my view i am so happy to fall in love with a wonderful woman like you dear, you are such a lovely gift of God to my life honey i am so powered as a man with your present to my life, i have much joy and happiness in my heart, my colleagues has also notice changes in my character, but i cannot share because i did not tell any one one about my wife so they still feels we are still together , i love you so much my Soul mate, hope you are having good plans for your day, i have a lot to do today also, i will be in radio room for so many hours, but i will not fail to talk with you once i am free honey, i wish you a bless day, take good care of your lovely self for me, God bless you dear, much hugs and a tender soft kisses from a deep heart....cheers