1-4-3-3 Passing Exercise 1
1. Player 2 makes a feint,
player 1 plays the ball on
the leftfoot of 2 and
coaches ‘turn’
2. Player 2 receives & turns
inside (one touch) and
passes with rightfoot to
(the left foot of ) player 3
who already anticipates
3. Player 3 plays first touch
to player 4 who receives
& turns (outside right
foot) and dribbles back
starting position
4. All players involved move
to next position.
Sequence: 1 to position 2;
2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to 1
5. Player 5,6,7 & 8: do the
same but to the other
side e.g. every action is
6. Take turns to the left and
right with every ne