When Grandpa was babysitting. BYE! Tonight mom and dad at the party. And grandpa will babysit little Elin. Grandpa is not so used to guard the children. Mom must speak what he will do. First, they see the children's program on television. Though Grandpa gets sleepy children's programs. When Grandpa wakes it weather report. But Elin is gone. Maybe she eats supper in the kitchen. Yes, probably, one can see that she has been here. What if she has cut down on the big knife! If so, she sat on the patch itself. Surely, she has gone to bed. At least she undressed. In the bathroom, she has already been. One can understand that she made herself, before she crawled into bed. But is not she in her bed. And not in the mother's or father's beds. But any mess in the closet. Is it so beautifully painted, it must be understood to have nice clothes. Grandpa says what he thinks about children who behave like little Elin. But little Elin think she had a nice evening. Now it slept! Though little Elin sleeping in mom's bed. And grandpa will lie next to and read a story. But Grandpa will be given by the sleepy tales too. When Mom and Dad get home, they go immediately to see how little Elin has it. But no small Elin they can see! TV is on the program a long time ago is over. But it is not only a journal which is located in the grandfather's chair. "It was sad to watch grandpa," said Little Elin. "He just slept.