The is one of the famous leather from the stream hit flat in many years.
But recently the movie screened for any movie involving a proposed religious character. religious in the darkness.
With Arbat Works supervision are ขนิษฐา ขวัญอยู่ She is writing and directing short movies
The ever-popular until it is to create a comprehensive movie Best of times.
By aside. The characters in this movie that in addition to the character son who is the chapter by naek.
Will be written out to The behavior of teenagers today.
The strength of the skin surrounding the character, whether the character Monk or the character
is a girl aged 16 years with the principles and ideas. We didn't dare to see very often.
The author will write this attitude to the characters age and the female. , That would appreciate very much.
But if the hope is to see this movie for horror the Ghost in General may have to depend on another to hope.
Because the actual moment in pat did not focus on horror, but even as a live.
The story of the unfair and dirty under religion.