3. Research aims
The general purpose of this study is twofold. First, this study aims totackle the shortcoming that research focusing on ICTcompetences is
mostly conducted through indirect measurement. As mentioned above, these indirect measurements suffer from self-reported bias, as
students can over-and underestimate their own ICT competences. Although some direct assessment initiatives with good scientific value
have been set up, these are often based on observation, making them expensive, difficult to replicate, and hard to conduct on large samples.
This study tries to elaborate on these direct assessment initiatives by presenting a large scale assessment initiative that can be used to
outline the design of a computer-based test that can be used to measure primary school students' ICTcompetences in a direct and valid way.
The second purpose of this study is to use the results of the computer-based test to gain clearer insight into primary school students' ICT
competences, and how differences in ICT competences are related to gender and SES. This study elaborates on previous research on the
relationship between gender, SES and ICTcompetences, as the resultswill be based on a direct performance-based measurement rather than
on self-reported measures. As such, the second aim of this study is to identify differences in students' ICTcompetences and how these relate
to gender and socioeconomic status.
3. Research aimsThe general purpose of this study is twofold. First, this study aims totackle the shortcoming that research focusing on ICTcompetences ismostly conducted through indirect measurement. As mentioned above, these indirect measurements suffer from self-reported bias, asstudents can over-and underestimate their own ICT competences. Although some direct assessment initiatives with good scientific valuehave been set up, these are often based on observation, making them expensive, difficult to replicate, and hard to conduct on large samples.This study tries to elaborate on these direct assessment initiatives by presenting a large scale assessment initiative that can be used tomeasureprimaryschoolstudents'ICTcompetencesinavalidandstandardizedwaywithlargesamples.Assuch,thefirstaimofthisstudyistooutline the design of a computer-based test that can be used to measure primary school students' ICTcompetences in a direct and valid way.The second purpose of this study is to use the results of the computer-based test to gain clearer insight into primary school students' ICTcompetences, and how differences in ICT competences are related to gender and SES. This study elaborates on previous research on therelationship between gender, SES and ICTcompetences, as the resultswill be based on a direct performance-based measurement rather thanon self-reported measures. As such, the second aim of this study is to identify differences in students' ICTcompetences and how these relateto gender and socioeconomic status.
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