Determination of Dust Explosion Hazard Areas and Flash-Fire Hazard Areas
Performance-Based Design Option
6.1 General Requirements.
6.1.1 Approved Qualifications. The performance-based de- sign shall be prepared by a person with qualifications accept- able to the owner/operator.
6.1.2 Independent Review. The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to obtain an independent third-party re- view of the proposed design.
6.1.3 Performance-based designs shall be documented with all calculations, references, assumptions, and sources from which material characteristics and other data have been obtained or on which the designer has relied for some material aspect of the design in accordance with Chapter 5 of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. * A sensitivity analysis shall be performed for each as- sumption that is not provided in an authoritative reference acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction to show that variation of said assumption does not result in a failure to meet design criteria. The source of all calculation methods and models shall be documented with their limits of applicability.
6.1.4 * Performance-based designs and documentation shall be updated and subject to re-approval if any of the assump- tions on which the original design was based are changed.
6.1.5 Sources of Data. Data sources shall be identified and documented for each input data requirement that must be met using a source other than a design fire scenario, an assumption, or a building design specification. The degree of conservatism reflected in such data shall be specified, and a justification for the sources shall be provided.
6.2 Design Objectives.
6.2.1 Life Safety. The facility, combustible particulate processes, and human element programs shall be designed, constructed, equipped, and maintained to protect personnel not in the immediate proximity of the ignition from the effects of fire, deflagration, explosion, or the release of hazardous materials for the time needed to evacuate, relocate, or take refuge. The structure shall be located, designed, constructed, and maintained to minimize the propagation of fire, explo- sion, or the release of hazardous materials to adjacent proper- ties and to avoid injury to the public.