airline industry. The three complaint dimensions appear to reflect distinct ways in which the customer interacts with the airline service providers. The first dimension involves "operational problems" such as flight cancellations and delays, over-sales, and problems arising during the standard service contact (flight). The second dimension reflects "marketing problems" such as information on fares and advertising. These problems concern facilitating services and generally occur prior to the flight. The third dimension reflects "special situation problems": which concern services in non standard service contacts, such as denial of credit and availability of tour packages. Transportation service includes the collection of both core and peripheral transportation flight itself. Peripheral services involve supportive and facilitative services such as ticketing and baggage handling, or availability of executive conference rooms; while core services consist of the basic transportation flight itself (Folkes and Kolestky 1987, Bitner et al 1990, Gronroos 1990, Zeithaml et al. 1990, Morash and Ozment 1994). Table (3-2) shows examples of different variables representing the total transportation services.