Appendix-1 Research questionnaire for
computer vision syndrome
Please fill up the blank or circle the appropriate word
in all the questions
(i) Demography
Age : …. years
Gender : male/ female
Race : malay/ chinese/ indian/ others ………….
Name of University …………………………..
(ii) Spectacle use
Are you wearing glasses: yes/no
If yes, duration of wearing glasses: ….. months/years
Power of glasses: Right eye ………………….
Left eye …………………….
Reddy SC et al
Computer vision syndrome
Nepal J Ophthalmol 2013; 5 (10): 161-168
Are you wearing contact lenses: yes/no
If yes, duration of wearing contact lenses: .......
months/ years
(iii) Computer use
How long have you been using computer? ………..
months/ years
Average duration of computer use in a day: ……..
Are you aware that prolonged use of computer has
bad effects on the eyes?: yes/ no
(iv) Computer vision syndrome symptoms
Have you experienced any one of the following
symptoms while using/ after finishing the work
on computer? You can circle more than one
as answer.
Eye strain (irritation, heaviness)/ tiredness of eyes/
watering of eyes/ redness of eyes/ blurring of vision/
dry eye/ discomfort/ double vision/ headache/
backache/ neck pain/ shoulder pain/ no symptoms.
What is the most disturbing symptom? You
should circle only one as answer.
Eye strain (irritation, heaviness)/ tiredness of eyes/
watering of eyes/ redness of eyes/ blurring of vision/
dry eye/ discomfort/ double vision/ headache/
backache/ neck pain/ shoulder pain/ no symptoms.
After how many hours of computer use you
experience the above symptoms? …… hours
(v) Preventive measures
Do you practice any of the following measures
to prevent/ relieve the above symptoms? You
can circle more than one as answer.
Taking breaks in between use/ looking at far objects
in between use/ massage of eyes/ use of eye drops/
use of radiation filter on the screen/
(vi) Level of the computer screen
At what level is your computer screen during work?
…..above the eye level/ at the eye level/ below the
eye level
(vii) Lighting in the room
What type of lighting is used in the room? ….
Fluorescent light/ natural light.
If the student had experienced at least one symptom
during/following use of computer, he/she was
considered to be having symptom of CVS. Some
of them might have experienced more than one
symptom. Therefore, to determine the association
of various factors with the presence or absence of
symptoms, all the symptoms were added together
(cumulated number) for statistical purpose. Thus,
the total number of symptoms are much more than
the number of students. Chi square test was used
to evaluate the significance of symptoms with various
factors during computer use. A p value 10
hours), Table 2.