Therefore, the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Environment, Thailand has emphasized
the installation of grease traps to reduce the impact of
FOG in wastewater before draining into public water
sources. However, it has been found that the grease
traps currently used in houses are not effectively
reducing FOG before releasing to the public water
sources [2]. Generally, the grease traps can dispose
about 60% of FOG [3]. Hence, it is significant to study
the factors that influence on the operational efficiency
in FOG removal for maximum treatment of domestic
wastewater and reduction of the impacts on water body
and is environmental friendly.
The objectives of this research were to investigate the
important factors; flow rate and hydraulic retention
time (HRT) that affected wastewater treatment by
grease trap and to investigate the media ratio in a
modified grease trap for treatment efficiency of
domestic wastewater.
2. Materials and methods
2.1Domestic wastewater
Domestic wastewater from dishwashing activities
of households was collected by a grab sampling
method about 600 L for an experiment. Physical and
chemical characteristics were analyzed for
temperature, pH, suspended solid (SS), fat oil and
grease (FOG), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
and surfactant that are shown in Table 1.
2.2Grease trap and media
There were two types of grease trap; a simple
grease trap and a modified grease trap (Fig. 1). Simple
grease trap made from plastic bucket was about 50 L of
capacity. Holes of the plastic bucket were inserted with
2 inches diameter of PVC pipes for influent and
effluent. The effluent pipe was connected to 15 cm
height above the bucket bottom and the influent pipe
was at 5 cm that is higher than effluent pipe (Fig. 1(a)).
Modified grease trap was a simple grease trap that
contained media layers for wastewater filtration. The
media types used in a modified grease trap were Mon บทความวิจัย วารสารวิ
Therefore, the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Environment, Thailand has emphasized
the installation of grease traps to reduce the impact of
FOG in wastewater before draining into public water
sources. However, it has been found that the grease
traps currently used in houses are not effectively
reducing FOG before releasing to the public water
sources [2]. Generally, the grease traps can dispose
about 60% of FOG [3]. Hence, it is significant to study
the factors that influence on the operational efficiency
in FOG removal for maximum treatment of domestic
wastewater and reduction of the impacts on water body
and is environmental friendly.
The objectives of this research were to investigate the
important factors; flow rate and hydraulic retention
time (HRT) that affected wastewater treatment by
grease trap and to investigate the media ratio in a
modified grease trap for treatment efficiency of
domestic wastewater.
2. Materials and methods
2.1Domestic wastewater
Domestic wastewater from dishwashing activities
of households was collected by a grab sampling
method about 600 L for an experiment. Physical and
chemical characteristics were analyzed for
temperature, pH, suspended solid (SS), fat oil and
grease (FOG), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
and surfactant that are shown in Table 1.
2.2Grease trap and media
There were two types of grease trap; a simple
grease trap and a modified grease trap (Fig. 1). Simple
grease trap made from plastic bucket was about 50 L of
capacity. Holes of the plastic bucket were inserted with
2 inches diameter of PVC pipes for influent and
effluent. The effluent pipe was connected to 15 cm
height above the bucket bottom and the influent pipe
was at 5 cm that is higher than effluent pipe (Fig. 1(a)).
Modified grease trap was a simple grease trap that
contained media layers for wastewater filtration. The
media types used in a modified grease trap were Mon บทความวิจัย วารสารวิ
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