Many people think it is stilly to beleive in ghost, but there are some stories that are very hard to explain unless you do.
There is a lighthouse on Lake Huron, Michigan, in the USA. The lighthouse is on longer used, but from time to time an orange light flashes in the lighthouse tower. There is no electricity in the lighthouse, so the flashing light is very mysterious.
Lorrainr Parris, however, dose not beleive the flashing light is a mysteryy. For many years she and her husband, George Parris, looked after the lighthouse. They lived in a cottage beside thr lighthouse and were very happy there. Then, one day, George died of a heart attack. Lorraine believes that George's ghost is causing the light to flash.
Tourists often visit the lighthouse. One day a little girl climbed to the top of the tower. When she came back down she was laughing and side that she'd been talking to 'the man in the tower'. Later, when she was in Lorraine's cottage, the girl saw a photograph of George. She told Lorraine that he was the man she had seen in the tower.
Many proplr don't believe the loghthouse is haunted. They say the light could be a reflection from passing boats or from the moon and stsrs. 'But if there was a ghost,' say one of the local residents, 'noone would complain if it was George. He was such a nice guy.'