Lastly, the ways to solution the overpopulation by getting a tax concessions. An effective method of controlling birth rates is making provisions in taxation that favor families with none or a limited number of children. The government-sponsored 'child fund' could be set up for every registered married couple. According to the CNN news, in the migrant village, however, one father in the migrant village said that he thinks this has always been an unfair policy. "What has fairness got to do with it?, If you have more money, then you can have more children; and if you're poor, you only have one child ". Some people in that country sometimes pay brokers to bribe officials for documentation for additional children. It can cost up to $1,000 but is still much less than the official fine, which can be as high as 200,000 Renminbi, or more than $31,000. In his case, he waited until his second child was born and registered both together as twins. It is illegal, and the last one he said that people worry about being caught but are willing to take the risk.