Quantitative amount of ferric nitrate nonahydrate (1 mmol, 0.404 g) was converted into ferric hydroxide by the addition of ammonia (10 mL). The precipitates of ferric hydroxide were filtered and washed several times with distilled water and dissolved in hot ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) solution (1 mmol, 0.292 g) prepared in de-ionised water (EDTA: total metal 1.1:1), followed by addition of desired Stoichiometric amounts of dopant ion in the form of their nitrate (ZrO(NO3)2xH2O) (1 mmol. 0.249 g) and heated slowly until a highly viscous residue was obtained. Then place the container for slow evaporation to grow the crystalline product. Wine brown colored crystal ate obtained within 1 week (79% yield). M.p.4300 1C.