All follicular fluid samples (1 mL) were obtained in MayeAugust2013 from female individuals, primary or secondary infertility, visiting the Reproductive Medicine Center of Tongji Hospital,Wuhan, China. Samples were from infertile female patients who were conceiving with the ART assistance. A total of 127 woman patients had been sampled in this study. The average age were 28.65 ± 3.82 years, between 20 and 35. The number of samples and age groups were 29 in 20e25 years old, 53 in 26e30 years old and 45 in 31e35 years old. One milliliter (1 mL) of follicular fluid
samples from each woman patient was obtained from Tongji hospital. Samples in glass containers were frozen at 20 C in the dark prior to contaminant analyses. Infertility was defined as when the husband had a healthy Productivity system, but the wife could not
concept after 1 year under the unprotected sexual intercourse
condition or failure to give birth to a live-born child (Wulff et al.,
2.3. Extractio