After inoculation of a lot of healthy male Wistar rats with 0.2 mL suspension of 108 cell/mL of Candida albicans,the yeast appears in the blood after 48 hours. The rate of yeast in blood animals attains 1.65 × 105 cfu/mL after 72 hours of incubation and remained constant for 10 days (240 hours) (Figure 4). On the other hand, the authors note a loss of appetite and a decrease in energy in the rats, 72 hours after the inoculation of yeast, which coincides with the time of yeast propagation in the blood. The animals were still alive during the 16th day of follow-up. In addition, the inoculation of the yeast induced disruption of the creatinin, reflecting renal disruption 72 hours after inoculation. This is consistent with the onset of yeasts in blood (unrepresented results).