could you please confirm our profit share, usd 60/B/L? These are our real costs for administration, travels to port with releasing documents etc... For these shipments we will need a order letter from you, so shipping line would release cargo to cnee´s nominated forwarder. Cnee hasn´t chosen us, they do have their own nominated company for local handlings, for that reason, we can't invoice any handling to them. For that, you need to have an agreement/contract between forwarder and cnee. And we don´t have any plus cnee is refusing consistantly to sign it now. In order to solve our charges with cnee directly, we would need to be mentioned as cnee on documents and have contract with them. Unfortunately, none of previously mentioned was fullfiled. To explain more, please see below:
Each consignee has their own forwarder for each shipment in Russia and this forwarder has POA from Consignee to this Forwarder and this Forwarder come to shipping line with POA and get list of docs for import customs formalities (SSL release copy on MBL, feeder BL in available and receiving act form terminal that cntrs was unloaded) at the day of arrival. So this 3 docs forwarder release to consignee's broker (if it is differ from forwarder). And SSL invoice ALL their local charges to this forwarder. They do not invoice local charges to us (that mentioned in consignee column), they release all charges to consignee's forwarder only. And after this forwarder arrange pick up cargo from Sea POrt for this consignee...
Please confirm these charges, so we could release cargo to a different forwarder.