Safety is of utmost importance when utilizing industrial instrumentation. Some of the more common concerns are: contamination due to faulty equipment; protection from electromagnetic interference; meeting strict safety requirements in potentially explosive environments. Winters' customers rely on certifying agencies such as Factory Mutual, Canadian Standards Association and Underwriters Laboratories to ensure that these products are safe. These agencies examine, test and certify that each product has been designed to meet specific standards for certain applications, hazardous locations or specific electrical situations.
Certifying agencies enable Winters to mark approved products with the corresponding standard committee's label, ensuring that these particular products have been tested and meet those specific standards.
ISO 9001:2008
USA Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) CAN. DEPT. OF DEFENSE
CE Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings
USA Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) - Click to downlad PDF file
The SDWA limits the lead content to 0.25% for products in contact with drinking water. As of January 4th 2014 it is illegal for service providers to install and manufacturers to sell products that do not meet th enew 'lead free' content law.
The objective of the 3A Sanitary Standards Committee is to formulate standards and accepted practices for equipment and systems used to process milk and milk products. Such standards are developed through all levels of sanitarians, equipment manufacturers and equipment users so those standards are acceptable to those involved in the sanitary aspects of dairy and related industries. The 3A Symbol Administrative Council authorizes manufacturers to display the 3A symbol on processing equipment that is in compliance with 3A Sanitary Standards.
The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) includes Canadian consumers, manufacturers, labour, government, and other regulatory agencies among its actively participating influences. The various groups work together to generate standard requirements (CSA standards) that demonstrate product quality, enhance market acceptability and improve quality and safety control procedures in manufacturing and construction for the Canadian marketplace. The standards generated by CSA are the cornerstones for determining a product’s eligibility for certification in hazardous locations in Canada. CSA also performs product evaluation, testing and ongoing inspection to these standards and also to American and European standards through new inter-laboratory agreements.
Having a CE marking is a declaration that Winters’ product conforms to a specific Directive adopted by the EEA (European Economic Area), and is a requirement if the product is to be sold into any of the countries in this 18 member group. CE is an abbreviation for the “Conformite Europeene”, meaning European Conformance. Unlike dangerous location approvals, CE markings are granted to products that conform to Directives which were developed using IEC and Cenelec standards. The Directives that affect transmitters are the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and LVD (Low Voltage) Directives. These state that the products must meet specific electromagnetic emission and immunity, as well as electrostatic discharge standards.
Certain Winters products (i.e. pressure transmitters and pressure switches) can be classified per the National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association Enclosure (NEMA) classifications. NEMA is a non-profit trade organization composed of manufacturers of electrical power apparatus. NEMA created voluntary standards for electrical enclosures. These classifications describe the environment in which the product can be used due to the protection the enclosure provides. (“Enclosure” includes electrical and mechanical connections and external adjustments). Among others, NEMA classifies enclosures based on the effects of external icing, corrosion and rusting, or contamination from oil and coolants.
Pressure switches, transmitters and other electronic products may also be classified according to the voluntary standards set by NEMA for electrical enclosures.
Type 1 General Purpose, Indoor
Accidental contact will not rust
Type 2 Drip-proof, Indoor
Limited amounts of falling water and dirt will not rust
Type 3 Dust-tight, rain-tight, Outdoor
Windblown dust, rain, sleet, and undamaged by external ice formation
Type3R Dust-tight, rain-tight, Outdoor
Same as type 3 above, plus diverts water from live parts, provision for drainage, will not rust
Type 3S Dust-tight, rain-tight, Outdoor
Same as type 3 above, operation of external mechanism when ice laden, will not rust
Type 4 Water-tight, dust-tight, Indoor/Outdoor
Windblown dust and rain, splashing water, and hose directed water, undamaged by ice formation, will not rust
Type 4X Water-tight, dust-tight, Indoor/Outdoor
Same as type 4 above, plus corrosion resistant, will not rust
Type 5 Dust-tight, Indoor
Dust and falling dirt, will not rust
Type 6 Water-tight/dust-tight, Indoor/Outdoor
Temporary entry of water during limited submersion (6ft for 30 Min), undamaged by formation of ice, will not rust
Type 6P Water-tight/dust-tight, Indoor/Outdoor
Same as type 6 above plus prolonged submersion at 6 psig, will not rust
Type 7 Explosion proof/Class I Groups A, B, C, D, Indoor
Hazardous Locations: Protection against corrosive effects of liquids and gases
Type 8 Explosion proof/Class I, Indoor/Outdoor
Hazardous Locations: protection against corrosive effects of liquids and gases; contacts or connections immersed in oil
Type 9 Explosion Proof/Class II Groups E or G, Indoor
Hazardous Locations: dust-tight, hazardous dust
Type 10 Hazardous Locations, Indoor
MSHA Mine Safety and Health Adm. per 30 C.F.R., Part 18
Type 11 Oil-tight/Corrosion, Indoor
Protection from corrosive effects of gases and liquid dripping, seepage and external condensation or corrosives, oil immersion
Type 12 Oil-tight/Dust-tight, Indoor
Fibers, lint, dust and light splashing, seepage and dripping condensation or non-corrosive liquids
Type 12K Oil-tight/Dust-tight, Indoor
Same as type 12 above, enclosure has knockouts
Type 13 Oil-tight/Dust-tight, Indoor
Dust, spraying of water, oil and corrosive coolant, oil resistant gaskets
Ingress Protection (IP) Rating
The IP Code indicates the degree of protection provided by enclosures for
electrical equipment (i.e. IP65 = No dust entry and protected against low pressure jet of water).
The first numeral indicates protection of persons against access to dangerous parts and protection of internal equipment against the ingress of solid foreign objects.
X Protection unspecified (untested)
O No special protection provided
1 Protection of hand against accidental access to dangerous parts, and protection of equipment against objects larger than 50mm
2 Protection of fingers against access to dangerous parts, and protection of equipment against objects larger than 12mm
3 Protection against objects larger than 2.5mm (e.g. tools, wires)
4 Protection against objects larger than 1mm (e.g. line tools, wires)
5 Protection against entry of dust in sufficient quantity to interfere with satisfactory operation of equipment
6 Complete protection against entry of dust
The second numeral indicates protection of internal equipment against harmful ingress of water.
X Protection unspecified (untested)
O No special protection provided
1 Protection against drops of water falling vertically
2 Protection against drops of water falling vertically when the object is tilted by up to 15 degrees from its normal position (in any direction)
3 Protection against spraying water at up to 60 degrees from the vertical
4 Protection against splashing and spraying water from all practicable directions
5 Protection against a low pressure jet of water from all practicable directions
6 Protection against heavy seas or a strong jet of water from all practicable directions
6D Protection against driving rain at angles down to horizontal
7 Protection against immersion
8 Protection against submersion (tests subject to agreement, but no less severe than numeral 7)
CRN (Canadian Registration Number)
The Canadian Registration Number (CRN) is a number issued by each province/territory in Canada
to the design of boilers, pressure vessels or fittings. Industrial instrumentation such as pressure gauges, thermometers and related accessories all fall under this jurisdiction. The CRN identifies that the design has been accepted and registered for use in that province/territory.
Ontario Quebec BC Alberta
Pressure Gauges 0F6751.5ADD4 0F6751.56ADD4 0F6751.51ADD4 0F06751.52
Diaphragm Seals
D15, D20, D30, D40, D50 & D70 (All 316 SS/316L SS only)
06F751.5ADD5 06751.56ADD4
0F6751.56ADD5 0F6751.51ADD4
0F6751.51ADD5 0F06751.52
Thermowells 0F6751.5ADD4 0F6751.56ADD4 0F6751.51ADD4 0F6751.52
Cooling Towers 0F6751.5ADD4 0F06751.52
Mini Ball Valves 0C6751.5R2 0C6751.56R2 0C06751.52
Needle Valves
Syphons/Snubbers 0F6751.5ADD4 0F6751.56ADD4 0F6751.51ADD4 0F06751.52
Manitoba Saskatchewan New Brunswick
Pressure Gauges 0F6751.56ADD4 0F6751.56ADD4 0F6751.57ADD4
Diaphragm Seals
D15, D20, D30, D40, D50, D70 (All 316 SS/316L SS only) 0F6751.56ADD4
06F751.56ADD5 0F6751.56ADD4
06F6751.56ADD5 0F6751.57ADD4
Thermowells 0F6751.56ADD4 0F6751.56ADD4 0F6751.57ADD4
Mini Ball Valves 0C6751.56R2 0C6751.56R2 0C6751.57R2