From such perspective, the goal for Japanese learners of English has to be modified from a native-speaker model to a non-native speaker model such as Singaporean or Indian English. Since English is not spoken in Japan as widely as in these countries, and we may not be able to say that there is an independent variety of Japanese English in a sense as Singaporean or Philippine English is used. In any case, Japanese students will find it easier to speak English without being afraid of making mistakes or feeling inferior for not being able to speak like native speakers if they are made aware of the presence of varieties of Asian English used intra and internationally. Teaching materials and models may depend on a standard or native English, but the outcome may not be as perfect as the models and some characteristics of learner’s language and culture will influence the output variety of the learner. If the students become aware that it is natural that their variety of English is different from a model that is based on one of the native variety of English, the learning process will not be as painful as it has been. As their learning proceeds, more accuracy may be required according to the situation in which English is used, but still it will be different from any native varieties of English.