Early in the morning, Feng You De was leading an imperial doctor with a full white beard to Gan Qing Palace.
This doctor’s surname is Tie, the head of the imperial doctors, and also the strongest in skills. Earlier on, he heard that the emperor wanted to meet him, he roughly guessed that it would most probably be about the night two days ago… about that night where the emperor and empress, when they played abit over board, he has already heard about it from Doctor Tie.
But far from his expectations, the emperor did not ask him to check his body, but gave him a book.. “Yin Yang Jing”?
This book was taken from Ye Zhen Zhen by Ji Wu Jiu. Originally he saw that the book was very normal, but after a while he found out there was something extra about this book, just that no matter how he flips the book, it seems the skills that the acupuncture points that this book involves are not really used to train internal kung fu, so that is why today he found a professional to look through it.
Doctor Tie, flip through the book, closed it and returned the book back to Feng You De.
“So?” Ji Wu Jiu asked
“Replying to your majesty, this book truly can help to cultivate a little of internal kung fu but it would not be effective. The main purpose is….” He tried to properly rephrase his words, “used to balance yin yang”
Balancing Yin Yang? Ji Wu Jiu looked at Doctor Tie skeptically: Don’t tell me it is about what I am thinking about?
Doctor Tie nodded: Exactly what you are thinking about!
He took the book from Feng You De again, opened it and showed Ji Wu Jiu “this book is called Yin Yang Jing”, actually this was a combination of 2 books, the front part was “Yang Jing”, to be practiced by males; the back part is “Yin Jing”, practiced by females. After cultivation, in due time, it helps to bring the Yin and Yang together”
In other words, it was something that helps the bedroom activities!
Ji Wu Jiu murmured to himself “no wonder now a days she is very manly in her behavior, she went and studied the “Yang Jing” part”
Doctor Tie didn’t really understand “sorry, but what you mean is….?”
“nothing, Feng You De, award”
After the doctor left, Ji Wu Jiu took the book and split it into 2, “Yang Jing” he kept for himself, “Ying Jing” he plans to return it back to Ye Zhen Zhen. Although the book has not been returned to her, he can’t help but be anxious about the harmonization of the Yin and Yang.
Then he went to Yang Xin Hall, but didn’t realize after looking through a few documents, Ye Zhen Zhen personally came to Yang Xin Hall to look for him.
Ji Wu Jiu was very surprised, one needs to know Ye Zhen Zhen seldom take the initiative to visit Yang Xin Hall.
“Is there a reason you came to look for me?”
“Then you miss me ?”
“I came here to watch something”
Ji Wu Jiu didn’t understand. He took something from his table and passed it to her “why not take a look at this first, should be more interesting”
Ye Zhen Zhen took it and glanced through, there were 3 documents, two of them came from 600 miles express mail, and another is 800 miles express mail, they came from Gan Su, Da Tong, Liao Dong, the contents were about a similar thing. Beyond the borders there were armies approaching them, and to timing was actually quite similar as well.
These three places is located at the northern borders of Da Qi, the south, middle and north, the distant between them is a thousand miles, if there are army movements there at all three places at the same time, then it is worth to be contemplated.