This paper began as a result of a participation in a lesson study conference (Tokyo &
Sapporo, December 2006) in which four lessons were studied as part of an APEC
(Asian and Pacific Economic Community) study to share ideas in teaching and
learning mathematics to improve the learning of mathematics throughout the
communities. It included the observation of four classes (here given in order of grade,
rather than order of presentation):
Placing Plates (Grade 2)
December 2nd 2006, University of Tsukuba Elementary School
- Takao Seiyama
Multiplication Algorithm (Grade 3)
December 5th 2006, Sapporo City Maruyama Elementary School
- Hideyuki Muramoto
Area of a Circle (Grade 5)
December 2nd 2006, Universty of Tsukuba Elementary School
- Yasuhiro Hosomizu
Thinking Systematically (Grade 6)
December 6th 2006, Sapporo City Hokuto Elementary School
- Atsutomo Morii