Questionnaire to our IPOs concerning
Annual General Audit Report and Project Audit Report
In our Project and/or General Agreement between ERIKS and an Implementing Partner Organization (IPO) we are requesting, in paragraph 9, that the IPOshould“submit an annual audited financial report comprising the whole organisation, consisting of an income statement and a balance sheet, in locally used currency”. This means in short that, on top of the Annual Project Audit Report, ERIKS is requestingan Annual Audited Financial Report comprising the whole IPO organisation. In some, or maybe in most cases, the IPO is obliged to submit an annual audit financial report to the government on national level or to another financial partner organisation,which means thatERIKSmay haveaccess to a copy. But in those cases whenan annual audited financial report normally is not produced, ERIKS is willing to find a way to support the IPO to fulfil this part of the agreement.
In order to map the situation concerningthe Annual Audit Financial Report among our IPOs,ERIKS has put together a simple questionnaire. Please answer the questions below as soon as possible and send the document back to us with returning mail. Thank you for your cooperation:
1. What type of organisation?
a. International NGO
b. National NGO
c. Association
d. Other Type:____Foundation _______________________
2. Is the IPO obliged to submit an Annual AuditedFinancial Report to any National Governmental Institution, other Financial Partner Organisation or National Network or something similar in their respective country?
a. Yes
b. No
3. Is the IPO receiving financial support from any other partner organisation besides ERIKS?
a. Yes
b. No
4. Does any other financial partner organisation request the IPO to submit an annual Audited Financial Report comprising the whole organisation?
a. Yes
b. No