Learning from musical-training studiesLike the few studies looking at  การแปล - Learning from musical-training studiesLike the few studies looking at  ภาษาอินโดนีเซี วิธีการพูด

Learning from musical-training stud

Learning from musical-training studies
Like the few studies looking at the effects of Internet use on
brain measures during adolescence, some studies of musical
training compare the brains of the extreme end of the
population (professional musicians) with the brains of nonmusicians.
However, some of these studies have adopted
methods to measure how musical training in nonprofessionals
relates to brain measures, behavior, and cognition
in both developing populations and adults [13,14]. These
studies have largely adopted such methods to investigate
whether there are particular developmental windows
when musical training results in greater or fundamentally
different effects. By collecting self-reported measures of
the age at which participants began their musical training,
as well as the duration and intensity of musical training,
these studies are able to distinguish between training and
maturational effects [13,14]. It might be possible to adopt
similar methods in future investigations of Internet use
and its subcomponents. This could help clarify if aspects of
Internet use during adolescence impact brain measures,
behavior, and cognition in a fundamentally different way
from Internet use in adulthood.
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ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอินโดนีเซี) 1: [สำเนา]
Belajar dari studi musik-pelatihanSeperti beberapa studi memandang efek dari Internet menggunakan padalangkah-langkah otak selama masa remaja, beberapa studi musikpelatihan membandingkan otak akhir ekstrimPopulasi (musisi profesional) dengan otak nonmusicians.Namun, beberapa studi ini telah mengadopsimetode untuk mengukur bagaimana musik pelatihan di nonprofesionalberkaitan dengan tindakan otak, perilaku, dan kognisidalam kedua berkembang populasi dan orang dewasa [13,14]. IniStudi sebagian besar telah mengadopsi metode tersebut untuk menyelidikiApakah ada tertentu perkembangan windowsKetika pelatihan musik mengakibatkan lebih besar atau fundamentalefek yang berbeda. Dengan mengumpulkan ukuran dilaporkan sendiriusia di mana peserta memulai pelatihan musik,durasi dan intensitas pelatihan musik,studi ini mampu membedakan antara pelatihan danpematangan efek [13,14]. Itu mungkin untuk mengadopsimenggunakan metode serupa di masa depan penyelidikan internetdan subkomponen nya. Ini bisa membantu memperjelas jika aspekMenggunakan internet selama masa remaja dampak langkah-langkah yang otak,perilaku, dan kognisi secara fundamental berbedadari penggunaan Internet di masa dewasa.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอินโดนีเซี) 2:[สำเนา]
Learning from musical-training studies
Like the few studies looking at the effects of Internet use on
brain measures during adolescence, some studies of musical
training compare the brains of the extreme end of the
population (professional musicians) with the brains of nonmusicians.
However, some of these studies have adopted
methods to measure how musical training in nonprofessionals
relates to brain measures, behavior, and cognition
in both developing populations and adults [13,14]. These
studies have largely adopted such methods to investigate
whether there are particular developmental windows
when musical training results in greater or fundamentally
different effects. By collecting self-reported measures of
the age at which participants began their musical training,
as well as the duration and intensity of musical training,
these studies are able to distinguish between training and
maturational effects [13,14]. It might be possible to adopt
similar methods in future investigations of Internet use
and its subcomponents. This could help clarify if aspects of
Internet use during adolescence impact brain measures,
behavior, and cognition in a fundamentally different way
from Internet use in adulthood.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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